Keith A Kleinick.jpg

My photographs capture energy and flow. I find flow in the motion of a wave, the movement of clouds, the stillness of a landscape. I’m drawn to that contradiction. Does that energy come from the still image itself, or does our reaction to the still image create energy?

I am inspired by connection. I connect with people face to face and through photography. My photographs capture moments of connection and turn them into a shared experience. I hope to transport the viewer; I aim to take them places they have never been, or see familiar places from a new perspective. Through fresh eyes.

I was a trial attorney for over 30 years. I presented evidence to argue and prove a point. To convince people. Photography gives me the chance to do the opposite of what I did in my career, which is liberating. I leave it to people to respond to my photographs in their own way. Every image tells a story waiting to be uniquely interpreted by each person who views it.